Can we set the Text of the Tab title when viewing a page/form via a integration link?


Is there are way to set the text that is displayed in the title of the tab in your browser?

It always seems to show a default name, but I'd like to set it to a specific string per page.


  • gregory_Decisions
    edited September 2024

    Hello Space Morgan!

    If you mean the Browser tab, you'll want to navigate to SYSTEM --> Settings --> Portal Settings and scroll down to the line that says Default Webpage Title:

    This should result in the Browser tab changing text, as shown here:

    You can alter this via a flow by changing the field "DefaultWebPageTitle in the PortalSettings datatype. However, this would be site-wide and not user-specific; if your goal is to alter the Title on a per-user basis in an API call, this would not be possible without changing it for everyone on the application.


  • Thanks so much!

    So there is no way to set one page or the browser title of a page opened via an integration to be labeled as something or than the default?

    Looking to set on a per page opened from a decisions API of a form/page/ui to have a set title.

  • Hello Space Morgan!

    You can set that page/title dynamically by editing the datatype, but it will show to all users using the portal, not just the person making the API call. There is not a way to have the Webpage Title populate different test for different users, whether in the portal or by API call.


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