Passing an empty Parameter to a GET call results in 500 error
Hey Decisions,
I'm trying to place a GET call to a URL, with an empty parameter "api&Code_number= " but I'm receiving a 500 error that says:
{ "Title": "500", "Description": "Input parameter \"Code_number\" is missing", "IsSecurityException": false }
Is this expected behavior of Decisions and is there a way to get this to work?
Hey there, thanks for using the Decisions Community Forum!
When placing a GET call, the API you're using determines whether the parameters can be empty or not, with this error it looks like the API you're using requires that parameter to have a value.
You could trick the parameter by using a string equals step to check if the parameter is Null, and then passing the value out as empty, this should send the GET call out without error.
Levi | Decisions Support
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