Lunch and Learn 9/4/2024
12:01 I would like to know about the tool Fix File Line Breaks. The use case is where we have a flat file with multiple additional line breaks in between the data which has to be imported into Microsoft SQL server. However we need to import them without those additional line breaks. We have a csv file with data for 10 columns and at column n there is an additional line break / embedded carriage return in row 6 causing the row to split into 2 to 3 rows.
26:55 "Had a quick question on the job scheduler status, even after the job completes , the status in in running, what does that mean also how can I migrate database connections between environments
Key Points:
Fixing File Line Breaks: The speaker explains how to use a tool to convert line break characters within a file into actual line breaks, although the explanation highlights some confusion about the tool’s functionality.
User Interaction: Participants engage by asking about specific use cases, such as handling files with additional line breaks and importing them into SQL Server without errors. The speaker offers to build custom solutions offline and requests participants to share screenshots or images to better understand their issues.
Job Scheduler Issues: Another participant asks about a job scheduler status that remains "running" even after the job appears to be completed. The speaker suggests manually refreshing the dashboard and checking for any stored workflows that might be causing the job to hang. If necessary, the speaker advises killing the flow to resolve the issue.
Database Connection Migration: The speaker also answers a question about migrating database connections between environments, emphasizing that connections must be manually configured in each environment.
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