Lunch and Learn 9/4/2024
8:00 "hello I have a form where users can select items I need the user to not be able to select obsolete items which is a field in the data structure. they still need to be able to see the item but I'd like to make it so they cant select it. I'm not sure if we can remove the select box based on fields but if you cant do you have any other ideas"
Option 1: Preventing Selection of Obsolete Items in a Form
Objective: Users should see obsolete items in a dropdown but be unable to select them.
Approach: Use an active form flow with validations.
Selection Change Trigger: Set up an active form flow to trigger when a user selects an item in the dropdown.
Rule Creation: Create a rule to check if the selected item is in the list of obsolete items.
Validation: If the selected item is obsolete, set a validation message to prevent the user from selecting it.
Outcome Handling: Ensure the form cannot be submitted until all selected items are valid (not obsolete).
Scenario 2: Conditional Required Fields in a Form
Objective: Make a field required only if a specific option is selected in another dropdown.
Approach: Use an active form flow to set conditional validations.
Selection Change Trigger: Set up an active form flow that triggers when a specific option is selected in the first dropdown.
Rule Creation: Create a rule to check if the selected option meets the condition (e.g., if it matches a specific value).
Validation Setting: If the condition is met, make the second field required by setting a validation.
Validation Clearing: If the condition is not met or the required field is filled, clear the validation.
Outcome Handling: Ensure the form cannot be submitted unless the required field is correctly filled when the condition is met.
Additional Notes:
Coding Knowledge: Not required for using Decisions. It's a low to no-code platform.
Training Duration:
Basic Course: Typically takes about a week to complete.
Project Builds: Each main project build also takes approximately a week with full focus.
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