Debugger Questions

I have the following questions regarding your debugger:

  1. There is a number in the parenthesis directly after the entity name. What does this variable represent?
  2. The following time comes from a rule evaluation: 09:04:29 tt .. What do the markings means?
  3. Can a user highlight the hotpath of a flow?
  4. Sometimes completion time for the sub-flows do not equal the completion time for the main process. Is there a reason for this?


  • Here are the answers to your questions below:

    There is a number in the parenthesis directly after the entity name. What does this variable represent?

    • This number refers to the number of steps in that process. (See below

    The following time comes from a rule evaluation: 09:04:29 tt .. What do the markings means?

    • The "tt" refers to the meridiem portion of the time format like AM for ante meridiem and PM for post meridiem. Decisions is set as a 24-hour clock system, so tt is used in place of AM or PM.

    Can a user highlight the hotpath of a flow?

    Sometimes completion time for the sub-flows do not equal the completion time for the main process. Is there a reason for this?

    • This is a natural consequence of rounding. Please use the Profiler to get more detailed flow execution times down to the Milliseconds. The Flow Designer's debugger can be configured to capture a profile while also debugging. (see picture)
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