Check in changes from a 9.2 client to a 9.1 Repository fails


We have recently updated one of our development servers from version 9.1 to version 9.2. Since the update, we are no longer able to check in changes. Decisions returns the following error:

DecisionsFramework.Design.Flow.ErrorRunningFlowStep: Error running step Get Checkin Infos 1[InvokeInternalServiceMethodStep] in flow [CheckinProcessFlow]: error calling service method 'GetCheckinInfos'

 ---> DecisionsFramework.LoggedException: error calling service method 'GetCheckinInfos'

 ---> System.Exception: The requested resource was not found.

  at DecisionsFramework.Utilities.RESTServices.RestServiceHelper.HandleResponseError(HttpResponseMessage result, String responseText)

  at DecisionsFramework.Utilities.RESTServices.RestServiceHelper.MakePostCall(String url, RestParameter[] postData, Boolean useTimeout, Nullable`1 timeOut, String callTrackingId)

  at DecisionsFramework.Utilities.RESTServices.RestServiceHelper.Call[T](String url, RestParameter[] methodParams, Boolean useTimeout, Nullable`1 timeOut)

  at DecisionsFramework.Utilities.RESTServices.BaseRestService.Call[T](String url, RestParameter[] methodParams, String methodName)

  at Decisions.DesignerRepository.DesignerRepositoryServiceClient.IsProjectExistsOnRepository(String projectName)

  at Decisions.DesignerRepository.Client.Service.DesignerRepositoryClientService.AddDeletedResourcesToCheckinInfo(AbstractUserContext userContext, String moduleName, String branchName, String projectId, List`1 checkinInfos, ModuleResource[] localResources)

  at Decisions.DesignerRepository.Client.Service.DesignerRepositoryClientService.GetCheckinInfoForProject(AbstractUserContext userContext, String moduleName, String branchName, String projectId)

  at Decisions.DesignerRepository.Client.Service.DesignerRepositoryClientService.GetCheckinInfos(AbstractUserContext userContext, String moduleName, String branchName)

  at InvokeStub_IDesignerRepositoryClientService.GetCheckinInfos(Object, Span`1)

  at System.Reflection.MethodBaseInvoker.InvokeWithFewArgs(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)

  --- End of inner exception stack trace ---

  at DecisionsFramework.Design.Flow.CoreSteps.InvokeInternalServiceMethodStep.Run(StepStartData data)

  at DecisionsFramework.Design.Flow.FlowStep.RunStepInternal(String flowTrackingID, String stepTrackingID, KeyValuePairDataStructure[] stepRunDataValues, AbstractFlowTrackingData trackingData)

  at DecisionsFramework.Design.Flow.FlowStep.Start(String flowTrackingID, String stepTrackingID, FlowStateData data, AbstractFlowTrackingData trackingData, RunningStepData currentStepData)

  --- End of inner exception stack trace ---

  at DecisionsFramework.Design.Flow.FlowEngine.Error_RethrowException(String flowTrackingID, String stepTrackingID, Exception ex, String stepName, String flowName, String stepType)

  at DecisionsFramework.Design.Flow.FlowEngine.Error(String flowTrackingID, String stepTrackingID, Exception ex, String stepName, String flowName, String stepType, FlowStep step, RunningStepData stepData)

  at DecisionsFramework.Design.Flow.FlowStep.Start(String flowTrackingID, String stepTrackingID, FlowStateData data, AbstractFlowTrackingData trackingData, RunningStepData currentStepData)

  at DecisionsFramework.Design.Flow.FlowEngine.RunEngine()

  at DecisionsFramework.Design.Flow.FlowEngine.Start()

  at DecisionsFramework.Design.Flow.FlowEngine.RunStepWithTrackingId(String flowTrackingID, FlowStep fs, FlowStateData data, String stepTrackingId, AbstractFlowTrackingData trackingData)

  at DecisionsFramework.Design.Flow.FlowEngine.RunStep(String flowTrackingID, FlowStep fs, FlowStateData data, AbstractFlowTrackingData trackingData)

  at DecisionsFramework.Design.Flow.FlowEngine.Start(Flow flow, FlowStateData data, Boolean debug, String flowTrackingId, String workQueueName, Boolean startedViaRunFlowAction, DataPair[] initialGlobalExecutionData, PrimaryFlowTrackingData trackingData, DebugParameters parameters)

  at DecisionsFramework.Design.Flow.FlowEngine.Start(Flow flow, FlowStateData data, FlowEngineStartOptions options)

  at DecisionsFramework.Design.Flow.Service.Execution.FlowExecutionService.StartFlowAndGetPrimaryFlowTrackingData(Flow flow, DataPair[] data, FlowEngineStartOptions startOptions)

  at DecisionsFramework.Design.Flow.Service.Execution.FlowExecutionService.StartFlowWithData(Flow flow, DataPair[] data, FlowEngineStartOptions options)

  at DecisionsFramework.Design.Flow.Service.Execution.FlowExecutionService.StartFlowWithData(String flowId, DataPair[] data, FlowEngineStartOptions options)

  at DecisionsFramework.Design.Flow.Service.Execution.FlowExecutionService.StartFlowWithData(AbstractUserContext context, String flowID, DataPair[] data, String flowTrackingId, Boolean startedViaRunFlowAction, DebugParameters parameters)

I asked via the Support Chat if the version mismatch could explain the issue but I was told that I should be able to push a change from a 9.2 client to a 9.1 Repository, although it is recommended to run the same version.

Is this an issue in 9.2?



  • Hi!

    This error you're seeing is likely caused by an issue that was fixed in version

    Although a client and repository server can work together on mismatching versions, its usually preferable to have their versions aligned.

    Where this matters most is when the major versions are different (v8 vs v9), and you're checking in code from the newer client to the older repository. The changes between major versions can be significant enough to cause issues.

    Typically mismatches between minor versions (9.1 vs 9.2) are fine, but its important to review the release notes as there can be breaking changes or known issues.

    I would recommend upgrading the repository to 9.2 to match the development environment.

    If the upgrade doesn't resolve these errors please let us know and submit a support ticket so that we can assist you in troubleshooting this further.

  • Hi Clayton,

    As mentioned, the dev server (client) is already running, as you can see on the screenshot. We did upgrade the development server from 9.1 to 9.2 as we needed to test something else requiring Decisions to be upgraded to 9.2. Prior the upgrade, we asked Decisions via the Support Chat if upgrading the client would give some issues. Although keeping the dev server and the repository on the same version, upgrading the client only should have been fine.


  • DavidDeMaeyer
    edited August 2024

    Concerning the Release Notes, we did review them but couldn't find anything indicating possible issues with the upgrade we were planning.

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