Paging Loading Issue Version 4.0.9 : Always Show B
We met an issue after decision version upgraded to 4.0.9 :
When we execute a workflow, before the form appeared the browser page always turn to blank for several seconds as the below 4 picture described:- Click ‘search’ button:
- Page loading:
- Page turn to blank:
- Page show again:
There are no this issue before this 4.0.9 version and this issue lead about 3 seconds cost for search function, it’s unacceptable.
Could you please help to check? -
I am trying to recreate this issue. Could you please tell me what revision number of 4.0.9 you are using? You can find this by clicking on the person icon in the top right corner of the User Portal or the Designer Studio, then selecting About. Im looking for the Platform Version. Also, are you running this flow using Chrome, Internet Explorer, or another browser? I actually have a copy of this form from a previous ticket that I worked on, so I am trying to recreate this using that flow/form -
Thank you very much for your help, my environment info are as below:
Both IE11 and Chrome are all have this issue. -
We need to get them run a profiler session while executing this workflow and send us the text file results. We need to start by identifying if the slowness being experienced is occurring on the front end(Browser render) or the backend(Server, serving up data to client).
Howdy, Stranger!
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