How To Control The Order And States Of An Activity In A Case Entity

Hi, how do I change the order of the activities in a case entity? Also, how can I change what state each activity is in?


  • edited November 2024

    We do not have a way to natively change the order of activities, so we recommend using subflows inside one main flow in order to dictate the order in which they run.

    As for setting states for the activities, this varies for versions:

    V9 - Right-click the activity > “Set Classification Info” > “Is Valid Only In Entity State” is the field you want to edit to change the states. 

    V8 - right-click the activity > manage > define valid states. You can then specify all the states you want to be used for a particular activity. 

    Relevant Links:

    Create Sub Flows using Existing Steps (

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