How to upgrade 2 clustered environments from v7 to v8
How would I go about upgrading two clustered environments from v7.18 to v8.20?
I'm not sure about the order in which to upgrade the servers
Should I upgrade 1, apply redis, then upgrade 2?
Any help would be appreciated!
Hey there, thanks for using the Decisions Community forum!
We actually have some extensive documentation on this:
You're correct in the order of which you'd upgrade the servers, here's some steps laid out for you!
1. Stop server 1 and 2 in the cluster
2. Upgrade server 1
3. Start server 1, and apply redis url from admin console on server
4. upgrade server 2, then start server 2
This should be all you need to do to properly upgrade the clustered environments, feel free to explore our documentation for more information.
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