Running Flow Actions From A Rule
This example will use two Flows (Admin Flow, Non Admin Flow) that will send a Popup Notification when successfully ran. The Rule will test whether the Email for the user contains "@admin". If it does, the Admin Flow will run. If it does not, the Non Admin Flow will run. The example below will cover how to add a Flow to the Rule's outcome and how to test the action.
1 Once Rule Actions have been enabled, in the Result block, select Add
2 A context menu will appear, allowing us to select various actions for the Rule. For this example, Run Flow is used.
3 Create or pick the desired flow for each outcome path.
1 To ensure the Rule works, select Debug on the top panel of the Rule Designer.
2 In the Email ID textbox, enter an email address with "admin@" ( and click START DEBUGGING.
3 Click CREATE NEW SESSION and enter an email address that does not contain admin@ ( and click START DEBUGGING. Notice that the Rule evaluates as false
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