Filtering Actions on an Action Bar Page Component
I'm working on an application that uses the action bar component on a page. I've noticed the 'Filter actions' button and the corresponding 'Action Filters' list. I've played with it some, but the only thing I can manage to make work is removing all the actions from the bar (which is not desirable). Is there any documentation or can someone provide guidance/example on how that works?
Yes, we do have documentation on implementing this page control, which can be found below:
The filter is designed to display the actions listed that are already available for the entity. Also, please be sure that if your action is not or a part of a drop-down action, leave the "Category" field of the "Action filters" blank. Below is shown an action being hidden for having a category filled-in:
Contrast this with leaving the category blank for an action not part of a drop-down action.
Please let us know if this helps!
What if I would like to hide a drop-down group like Manage
Would I do the opposite and put Manage in the category and leave the action name blank or would I need to make a filter for each action on the menu? Or, in this case, is there a different technique I could use?
Also, I realize the step is documented as I've read it a few times. It mentions nothing about filters.
So contrary to an Action Visibility Rule, you'll want to list the actions to want visible - each in its own filter. You mentioned enabling "Filter Actions" leaves all actions blank. So if you want to hide "Manage", you'll need to list the other four actions you want visible. For example, if I wanted to query editor sub-action visible, I would add the action name and the category it is under.
So in your use case, you would add the filters for "Request Dashboard", "Request Deployment", "Select a Lab", and "Select Software.
I will request a documentation change as well to capture how to apply these filters to get the intended results.
-Gregory, Decisions Support
Ah, I see. That worked perfectly. Thanks for the help.
One more question now that I'm thinking of it. If I have a custom menu as a category, would i need to allow each menu item individually or could I allow the entire category in one go?
Unfortunately, you would need a separate filter for each action within a category. Allowing only the category as a whole does not work.
That is unfortunate, but thank you for the information.
Howdy, Stranger!
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