How to Resolve the 'Pick Tile Form' Issue When Creating Form Tiles in Decisions 8.20.1
On a page, I'm trying to use form tiles on a page in version 8.20.1. Instead of giving me the usual "Pick or Create Tile Form" option, I'm only seeing the "Pick Tile Form" option.
If I try to create a form tile from outside that form, I don't see any option to create a form tile. I need help resolving this issue or finding a workaround.
The Page Designer is in a non-designer folder (a normal folder) rather than the Project Designer folder. This is why you’re only seeing the ‘Pick Tile Form’ option.
Move the Page Designer to the Project Designer Folder, you will get 'Pick or Create Tile Form' option.
Pages should never be created in Non-Designer Folders.
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