API Exception Handling
I have several flows which are used just as API calls. How can I configure these flows so the user receives an HTTP Response Status Code and error message if the flow fails? Here is an example below:
5xx Server Error - the server failed to fulfill a valid request.
This can be achieved using the Throw API Exception step within the flows you are concerned with.
I have configured the step to return a 500 Status Code with the message the server failed to fulfill a valid request as you can see to the right.
Throw API Exception: https://documentation.decisions.com/step-library/docs/throw-api-exception
HTTP and Response Code Error Handling: https://documentation.decisions.com/v9/docs/http-and-response-code-error-handling#throwing-explicit-errors-to-calling-systems
As you can see below, Postman returned the same Status and Description.
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