Change Loading Icon

How can I change the default loading icon?


  • Nathan_Decisions
    edited July 2024

    This is possible through the following steps:

    1. Place a .svg file of the image you would like instead here: C:\Program Files\Decisions\Decisions Server\wwwroot\Content\Images
    2. Create a theme.portal-custom.less with the necessary code and place it here: C:\Program Files\Decisions\FileStorage\Primary\styles\themes\theme.portal-custom.less
    3. Create a with the necessary code and place it here: C:\Program Files\Decisions\FileStorage\Primary\styles\themes\
    4. Choose Rebuild Styles at System → Themes then clear the browser cache.

    This does not affect any components of Decisions that use the default icon in their specific css class (e.g. Forms, Pages, etc.) This will require custom css to be applied in place of the default css class for the entity in question. Use the following CSS making sure you update the background-image tag with your specific .svg file.

    Please Note: The examples attached were developed to be instructional, and were not developed as officially supported components. For more information or to engage our service team to develop fully supported, production quality solutions, please contact:

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