Prevent Form Submitter To Be Approver

My process contains a Submitter group and Approver group. Some of our users are in both groups. If a user is in both groups and submits a form, I want to prevent that same user from also being able to approve the forms he submits. Is this possible?


  • Nathan_Decisions
    edited July 2024

    I have a attached a project that contains two forms and a flow. Debug the Main Flow, completing the Submit Form, and click Submit. The Approval Form is then assigned to all the users within the Administrator Group. The Approve Request button will be disabled for you, but it will not be disabled if you log in as another user that is also an administrator. This is through the use of an Active Form Flow which matches the email string of the requestor and the submitter. If they match, the Approve Request Button becomes disabled.

    Active Form Flow Documentation:

    Please Note: The examples attached were developed to be instructional, and were not developed as officially supported components. For more information or to engage our service team to develop fully supported, production quality solutions, please contact:

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