Message Handling Lease vs. Get
I am working to set up RabbitMQ, but I am not sure what message handling I should be using. Can you give me a rundown on the differences between Lease and Get?
I have attached the Decision's documentation below for message handling that goes through the differences briefly. Overall, Get seems to have quicker speeds. Decisions follows the Fire and Forget method exemplified by Decisions removing the message from the queue and initiating the necessary steps, but not verifying whether or not the processes failed. Upon pulling the message, the queue is notified immediately. In a way, this can result in data loss as the messages will not be stored in memory if the server shuts down.
Lease is slightly slower in speed, but every message is accounted for. Decisions leases the message from the queue. The message cannot be consumed by another service in this time, but will remain in the queue. If the message fails, the lease is removed and it is marked as available in the queue again. If the message passes, then the message is removed from the queue.
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