How to give input to chart in Page?
I am making dynamic multi-series chart. I have given flow as input source for the chart. It takes only Chart Data Flow Type only, and it has one drawback that it doesn't support page variable. We cant use get page variable step in that flow. There is no other way to give input to that chart data flow. I tried user action flow it doesn't work. I tried run flow part step it also doesn't work.
If anyone has solution, please share. Thanks in Advance.
Right now, there is no way of passing input to the chart data flow. This requires reviewing your setup and I believe you have also reached out to Decisions Support regarding this. Please refer to that ticket for more details.
You can set the Line Chart page control's behavior to respect a row Selection bus, it'll then show you a field to enter the selection bus name which has to match the name of the filter change sent over from a report row.
You'll have to have the name over the selection bus be an input to the chart flow to use in your logic.
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