Development Guidance With Multiple Teams
I currently have multiple teams developing within Decisions locally. These teams will then import their respective projects to our single DEV environment. At times, teams will work on the same project at the same time. This causes a lot of wasted resources because the teams need to coordinate with one another.
Is there a better process for this? Do you have any recommendations?
The best advice I can give is to avoid developers working on projects simultaneously. There is a feature within Decisions to deter users from building on the same entity Object is Locked. This is an indication that a user currently has that entity open.
If you are unable to prevent concurrent development, I would suggest using the Decisions Repository. This will give you the option to rollback or revert to previous versions of a project. Overall, this instance will aid in managing projects, serving as checkpoint between DEV and QA and/or PROD. Projects can be pulled or pushed in either direction at any notice.
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