Access denied when using Put File in S3 from file location step
Hey there,
I'm having some trouble with putting a file in my AWS S3 using the Put file in S3 from File location step.
I was originally getting the error " is not authorized to perform: sts:AssumeRole on resource:"
So I gave my AWS user the correct permissions and the AssumeRole Policy, but now when I try to put the file in my S3, I'm getting the error access denied to opt/Decisions, is there something I'm doing wrong? The path to file on workflow server is set to where the file exists, and I have access to that folder.
Any help would be appreciated!
Hey thanks for using the Decisions Community Forum!
To resolve this issue, on the input for the Path to File on Workflow Server has to include the name of the file you're tying to grab.
So for example, if my file path is \opt\decisions, I would have to also include the name of the file, so for example: \opt\decisions\examplefile.txt
Here's some of our documentation on this:
I hope this helps!
Levi | Decisions Support
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