How to upload a list of strings to SFTP without it downloading to the Decisions folder
Hey Decisions,
I'm trying to take a list of strings and convert it to text that we can upload to an SFTP Server, I've tried using List to CSV, but it wraps my text in quotes and that's not ideal.
Additionally, we don't want the file to be created on the Decisions file server as it contains sensitive information.
Thanks in advance!
Hey there, thanks for using the Decisions Community forum!
You can get this accomplished by using the following steps:
Join Strings with Special character: this will take your list of strings and convert it into a string with separators, so it's readable, I recommend using line break.
Base 64 Encode: this will take the string and output it as a base 64 string
Convert Base 64 String to bytes: this takes the base 64 string, and converts it to bytes
Upload by SFTP: Change the input to Build Data, and map the output of the previous step into this, be sure to give the filename a value, in this case something like example.txt
Using these steps in this order will get this achieved for you!
Here's our documentation for each of these steps:
I've also attached an example of this, the inputs may have to be reconfigured.
Please Note: The examples attached were developed to be instructional, and were not developed as officially supported components. For more information or to engage our service team to develop fully supported, production quality solutions, please contact:
Levi | Decisions Support
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