Using Delay Next Step for the flows running in background
We are utilizing the Decisions tool for our client's workflow. Within this tool, we employ the "Delay Next Step" activity. Our functionality includes continuously checking certain database statuses in the background once the flow has started. When all statuses are updated, the flow progresses to the end step.
If a flow is running in the background and the decision server is updated or rebooted, what will happen to the flow? Will the flow automatically restart when the server is back online, or will we need to start the flow again manually?
Delay Next Step will not maintain the flow if the server were to go down. If this is something needed, the Pause Flow step is recommended instead.
The Pause Flow step will keep the flow in a Stored Workflow State, which will maintain its process even during a server restart. This step is configured almost identically to Delay Next Step, with the addition of some added options such as the SaveFlowDataOnPause toggle.
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