How to Create Password-Protected Excel\CSV Files
Unfortunately, there is no direct method for creating password-protected Excel or CSV files. However, you can use the Zip Advanced step to compress the Excel or CSV file and apply a password to the zip file
For Advance zip step, please refer the below documentation:
This can be done by starting with a workbook that is already protected (either the sheet(s), workbook, or both) and then setting values through a flow.
Here is a quick example:
1) Create a flow with a Create data step, set value step, and a form with a file download button (file data type).
2) For the create data step, create data of filedata type. Set the input to constant and load in an already protected workbook.
3) This is the constant workbook being added. You can see it is blank and it is protected, both the sheet and the workbook.
4) In the set value set, I'm using a simple "Test" to be in A1. When running the flow and downloading the new file, here is the result:
The sheet/workbook protection stays intact. Hope that helps!
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