How can I control the visibility of Case Entity User Actions within a Page?
I have a Case Entity which includes the User Actions of “View Details” and “Delete”. I currently have two separate Pages which use the Report Viewer Control to display a Report which sources the Case Entity.
I would like the first Page to show both the created User Actions while having the second Page only show the “View Details” User Action. How can I accomplish this?
Hey there,
One solution you could implement would be to utilize local filtering within the respective Reports. You can apply local filtering by opening the respective Page in the Page Designer and clicking on the Report. Upon clicking on the Report, navigate to Behavior > Actions > Filter Actions on the properties tab and enable “By Names”. Here you can detail the specific Actions you want displayed on the Report upon right-clicking.
Therefore, for the Page where you want the "Delete" Action hidden, detail ONLY the buttons you want SHOWN in the "Names to Show" property.
In addition, some documentation on Local Filtering is linked below for reference.
Locally Filtering via Report Viewer Control:
Hope this helps!
Howdy, Stranger!
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