Keep Getting Out "0" Instead of Null?
I have a datatype that I want to have the ability to pass null value into. This datatype is all strings, but I use converter flows to get some necessary fields into INTs. When I pass-in the Null values to these INT fields, they come out as "0" instead. Is this a bug?
What you are seeing is intended behavior by Decisions. Decisions converter flows that convert to INTs are designed to pass-out "0" when they see a null value. There are a few way you can get your desired behavior, however:
1. Create your own converter flow. Our documentation below outlines this method.
2. Add a statement rule. This can be configured to output NULL INT values if the recognized string is NULL, such as shown in the screenshot below:
3. Create a Truth Table. This maybe the least-performant method if you only need to check one value, but it may have utility if used for multiple value. The logic is similar to the statement rule above, where you can pass-out a Null INT value if the inputted string is Null. Documentation on using these can be found below:
I hope this helps!
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