When setting up Okta, what is the port I am supposed to use when entering the SSO URL?

In other words, what is the port I am supposed to use in the following template string? “[base]:[port]/SAML/AssertionConsumer”


  • Hello,

    For the SSO URL, it would be your “[BasePortalURL]/SAML/AssertionConsumer.” The port number is only needed if you are installing a non-standard port(outside of 80 for http or 443 for https). This can be verified through the settings.xml file under <HttpPort>[port#]</HttpPort and <HttpsPort>[port#]</HttpsPort. 

    Self-Hosted customers: You can find the settings.xml in files under C:\Program Files\Decisions\Decisions Server\Setting.xml

    Decisions Hosted customers: Please reach out to support@decisions.com for this information. 

    If the port is installed on a non-standard port, the URL would be “[BasePortalURL]:[port#]/SAML/AssertionConsumer.” For more information on OKTA, please refer to the following documentation: Installing and Configuring the Okta Module

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