How to disable user action buttons on a dashboard page?
While the buttons on the top bar of a page can’t be disabled, only hidden, an alternative is to hide the button by setting the user action flow’s ‘Display Type’ to ‘None’ when you right click the flow and click ‘Set Classification Info’, then using a ‘Flow Run Part’ page component on your page to display a form which displays a sub dialog button.
This sub dialog button can then be disabled using an active form flow, but will remain visible.
Please see the below steps demonstrating how to configure this:
Add a ‘Flow Run Part’ page component where you’d like the button on the page, and in its properties panel under ‘Settings’, set ‘Hide Titlebar’ to yes.
In the ‘Flow Run Part’ properties create a new flow which displays a form.
Configure this form to include a Sub Dialog button with your user action flow title, and an Active Form Flow.
Set the Active Form Flow to run at startup.
Configure the active form flow to include a rule that returns True if the list ‘Flow Data.InitiatingUserGroups’ contains the group you want the button to be disabled for.
The active form flow should include a ‘Disable Control’ step on the True path that is configured to disable ‘FormData.[YourSubDialogButtonName]’, and the false path just goes to the end step.
Create a Sub Dialog Rule Flow for the Sub Dialog Button.
Configure the Sub Dialog Rule Flow to run your User Action Flow as a sub flow.
Go to your configuration folder and go to folder view, right click your User Action Flow, click ‘Set Classification Info’, then set the ‘Display Type’ to ‘None’ so that the user action button isn’t shown in the top bar.
The below screenshot is what a user who is a member of the excluded group should see when viewing the dashboard, the button you created with the ‘Flow Run Part’ to run your user action flow is visible, but the button is grayed out and disabled.
Please see the below documentation for more information on these components:
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