Can I display a custom page when users click on a case entity?
You can create a page in your case entity configuration folder, and use a Flow Run Part page component to display a form with the selected record's data.
In the case entity configuration folder, click Create Page > Create Page/Dashboard, enter a name, and click create.
Design your page how you'd like and add a Flow Run Part page component, then select Pick or Create Flow ID from its properties.
Create a Page Context Aware Flow.
Add a Get Page Variable step and set the Data Type to FolderId.
Add a Fetch Entities step, set the Type Name to your case entity, add a fetch criteria, and set the Field Name to entityID and Query Match Type to Equals. This will ensure the fetch step only returns the selected case entity.
Set both the Parent Folder Id and entity ID inputs to PageData, and map the fetch step's No Results path to an end form session step.
Add a Show Form step, create and design your form and add form controls such as labels to display your case entity's data. Enable Text from Data Name on these labels and enter a data name.
Return to the flow and map the results from the fetch step to the form's inputs for the case entity's data.
In the below example the data name for the case entity's name is mapped to:
And the data name for one of the fields in the case entity is mapped to:
This will show your custom page with data from the selected case entity.
Please see the below documentation for more information on these components:
Creating Custom Case Pages:
Flow Run Part:
Creating Custom Case Pages:
Page Context Aware Flow Behavior:
Is there a setting that should be on to allow this page to show?
I have tried a few times to create a page in the Configuration folder of my case but I still can't view the page when I select the record in a report of the case entities.
Figured it out, if you filter out all the default actions on the type using an Action Visibility Rule it also hides the action to open the case view / drill-down view.
Howdy, Stranger!
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