How do I hide pages from specific user groups?
I have two pages I've added to a normal folder as dashboards, and I'd like to restrict one of them to only be accessible by admins, while all users can access the other.
I've tried configuring this with permissions but all users can still see both pages.
How can I restrict pages/dashboards to specific groups?
Page Visibility Rules would be a great solution for this situation.
In your designer project folder, click 'Create Datatypes/Integrations', then under 'Configuration Extension' click 'Add Folder Actions and Configuration'.
Select 'DefaultFolderBehavior' for the 'Type Name'.
In this configuration folder you've created, click 'Page Visibility Rule', enter a name, and click 'Create'.
Now in the rule designer, configure your rule's data elements, verbs, and values to specify which page you'd like to hide and when. The rule should return 'True' when the conditions to hide your page are met.
In the below example screenshot, I've set my page visibility rule to return 'True' and hide 'Page 1' when the viewer is a member of the 'Administrators' user group.
Please see the below documentation for more information on Page Visibility Rules:
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