Can I prevent users from changing assignment names?
This action and others can be hidden from users with Action Visibility Rules.
In your designer folder, click 'Create Datatypes/Integration', go to 'Configuration Extension', and select 'Add Entity Actions And Configuration'.
Search for and select 'Assignment' as the type to create a Configuration Extension folder for.
Open this configuration folder you just created, click 'All' near the top right corner, and select 'Action Visibility Rule'. Enter a name for this rule and click 'Create'.
In the rule designer that appears, you can configure the rule to hide an action if certain conditions are met. Your rule should evaluate as True when the action is to be hidden.
Click 'Select Data Element', select 'Action', then scroll to find and select 'Name'.
Next set your verb to 'Equals', and for your constant input value enter 'Edit Assignment Name/Description'.
Now click Add, then Add Condition, select 'Flow Data', then 'InitiatingUserGroups'.
Next set your verb to 'List Contains', then enter the name of the group(s) who shouldn't be able to change assignment names for your constant input value.
The rule in the below screenshot is configured to return True and hide the 'Edit Assignment Name/Description' action if the user is a member of 'TestGroup1'.
For more information on Configuration Extensions and Action Visibility Rules, please see the below documentation pages:
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