Setting signature placement location in DocuSign module
The placement of the signature field can be configured for each recipient individually on the recipient object input for the ‘SendDocumentsForSigning’ step.
You can use either ‘AbsolutePositionTabs’ or ‘AnchorStringTabs’ to set placement.
Click ADD next to ‘AbsolutePositionTabs’ to get this screen, where you can specify the X and Y coordinate position on the document where the field should be placed, what page number it should be on, what document, as well as the field type (signature, date signed, etc.).
In the above screenshot I configured the ‘AbsolutePositionTabs’ for this recipient to place a ‘SignHere’ field at XPosition 180, YPosition 150, which places the signature component on my example document as seen below:
The other method, ‘AnchorStringTabs’, places the field at a specified string in the PDF document.
You can adjust the placement by entering an X and Y coordinate offset from the string’s position.
Click ADD next to ‘AnchorStringTabs’, then under ‘AnchorTabString’ enter the string at which you want your signature field placed and set ‘TabType’ to ‘SignHere’.
In the below screenshot I’ve set the ‘AnchorTabString’ as ‘1:’, with an XOffset of 50 to place the signature field next to ‘SIGNEE 1:’
If you need a specific string to place your field at, a good technique is to put a unique string such as ‘/s1’ in the document where you want the field placed, white out this text, then set this string as the ‘AnchorTabString’.
For more information on the DocuSign module, as well as anchor tagging, please see the below documentation links:
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