Change the color of cells with conditional formatting in Data Grids?
You will need to use an Advanced Data Grid to achieve this, as standard Data Grids don’t support conditional formatting.
Please note that when using an advanced data grid, a new report must be created.
To demonstrate, the below project displays a list of account emails in one column and whether the account is active in another column, with the true / false values colored green / red using conditional formatting.
1- A Fetch Entities step retrieves all account entities, then passes this to the form.
2- In the form, add an Advanced Data Grid and within its properties set the Type to Account, then click Edit under Source to edit the source report.
3- Within the report properties, under Grid View, you can add multiple conditional formatting rules.
4- Configure your conditional formatting rule. The below rule colors cells in the IsActive column red if their boolean value is unchecked, or false.
5- Two conditional formatting rules were used to color the columns as below.
Please see the below documentation for more information on Advanced Data Grids:
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