Check for Emails
Our Windows Server sends out an email from with the subject of: [The job succeeded.] or [The job failed.]. We should be able to use a departmental email to receive these emails. Does Decisions have the ability to access a departmental email and check for these emails at a specific time every day and send an email to several employees if either a Failed email is sent for the day or if neither exists for the day.
Yes, Decisions is able to integrate with your mail server to look through your inbox for the specific messages you mentioned. There are two ways I was able to find to do this:
- By integrating with POP3 or IMAP, as outlined in these documents:, and Our POP/IMAP steps can be found here:
- If you have an Exchange server, you can integrate via our Exchange module, as outlined in this document:, Although this may be more complicated as Microsoft has deprecated integration authentication via passwords, and you will need to authenticate your integration via OAuth, which you can read more about from Microsoft here: and from Decisions here: and here:
Using either steps from IMAP/POP or the Exchange module, you will be able to set up a scheduled job to retrieve the emails. Using rules, you can filter for specific criteria you are looking for such as "Job Succeeded" in the Subject of the email.
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