Archiving Settings Questions

we wanted to get confirmation on a few questions regarding archiving settings.

  1. Is there any way to recover what has been deleted following archiving?
  2. Is there any way to see what has been deleted following archiving?
  3. Could an archived type without a specified type name potentially cause issues/override the default archiving days?
  4. Is there a query we can run to get a list of every table which utilizes archiving?
  5. What controls the archiving/deletion of specifically the audit_entity table records? We have had our archive settings to 30 days since june of 2021, but have also retained all audit_entity records since 2021. 


  • Kathryn_Decisions
    edited June 2024
    1. After an archived entity has been deleted, there's no way to recover it. See: Archive Entities
    2. There shouldn't be any way to see what has been deleted, since there's no way to recover the deleted entities.
    3. This could potentially cause issues as specifying an archive setting without specifying the type is not the intended behavior. In newer versions, it shouldn't be possible.
    4. If by utilizing archiving, you mean entities that are able to be archived, then the answer would be all entities since all entities are archivable by default. If you want to see all archived items, you can use the query below in the query editor. See: Query Editor
    5. It seems like the table is not automatically archived since the table doesn't have an archived column. If you're worried about the table being filled up, you can manually truncate it and limit what you audit. For more information on auditing, see: Enabling Auditing

    Q4 query:

    SELECT * FROM entity_header_data

    WHERE archived = 1;

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