Confirm AD Sync
We do have several things associated with AD syncs that can be confirmed:
- Test Credentials - Once you have an AD server configured in SYSTEM > Settings > Active Directory Settings, you can right-click on the Active Directory Settings > Test Login, and attempt to login on a known account. If this succeeds, you will know that Decisions is able to successfully communicate with the AD server
- Notification - When attempting to perform an AD Sync manually (SYSTEM > Settings > right-click "Active Directory Settings" > "Sync Now", it will give you a pop-up notification indicating if the sync went through successfully or not.
- Logs - You can add a logging category for AD/LDAP to see when syncs are successful, or view details about unsuccessful syncs. To do this, navigate to SYSTEM > Settings > Logging Settings > File System, and if there is a log category for LDAP, open that with the pencil icon. Otherwise it can be created with the "ADD" Button just below "Log Categories". Debug level logs will write out an entry for successful AD syncs. Debug level logs can be verbose, so it is recommended to use a less verbose log level unless specifically needed for a short amount of time.
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