How can I get a specific column of each row in a CSV file?

One of the columns in my CSV file contains a changed address that I want to update in a data structure. What would be the best way to do this?


  • Hello,

    You can loop through each row of a CSV file using the “For Each Excel or CSV Row” step. Then you can update the data structure using a Save Entities step while passing in the associated column. I will explain one way this can be done in the following steps: 

    1) Insert “For Each Excel or CSV Row” step inside flow and select the CSV as the input. This step can be found in the Toolbox under Data > Excel & CSV > For Each Excel Or CSV Row. 

    a)In Properties > Input Data > Input Data, adjust input file type and CSV delimiter.

    2)Inside the loop, add a “Save Entities” step and select data structure under Entity Save Definition > Type Name.

    3)Input the associated column you want to update into the “Save Entities” step.

    a)Ex. If the address is in the 6th column of the CSV file, you would input “Current Row.Field06” into the address of the save entity step.

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