Lunch and Learn 6/11/2024

1:45 "Hey, there! So I'm trying to create a multi series line chart where I have months going across the bottom, and then each line in the chart is a year with just some, some number going up side just struggling with how to how to configure the groupings, how to set up the data so the chart pulls it."

08:48 "I actually asked this question, I think on a previous lunch. But we have a page that has a report and a Pdf. Viewer, and we're reading our Pdfs from like a shared drive, and I was wondering if. like I know that we were having someone click on like a row on a report, and then that like updated the the page URL. And then our FBI is reading that page URL, and looking for that primary id, and then we're finding it in like our shared drive folder. We changed out the report, and I kind of forgot how to get that primary id on that. Yeah. URL, again."

12:58 Wanting to see if you could show an example of replacing an item in a list-

21:28 "I have a dashboard on a page that contains 2 simple tiles and a report. The simple tiles are just displaying the total count of a value. I'm trying to create a custom filter using a flow run part for this is a fun. 1 4th page that can filter these simple tiles based on the date range. A user enters. How can I do this? "

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