What mechanics are used to validate a cluster
We are suspecting that something is not correctly configured in the infrastructure of our clustered environment. Is there a list of things we can check to make sure things are correct?
We have a list of recommended validation steps available in our documentation at the following link:
Here are the load balancer specific validations:
1. Check Load Balancer Timeout: try adding a document to a Folder over 100MB and see if it trips the LB Timeout threshold.
2. Go through the Load-Balanced URL, locate the Servers Report, and find the server that has Is Me set to true to affirm which Server the Administrator is currently on.
Turn this server off and ensure that the redirection goes to the other (still active) server after the timeout duration configured in the Load Balancer Settings has passed.
3. Ensure the Load Balancer Health Check settings are up. Turn one server off and verify that it becomes red or negative on the Health Check Report, then repeat these same steps with any additional servers.
Begin turning back on each server to ensure that they return to a healthy state when online.
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