Lunch and Learn 6/6/2024
02:42 I have a form where I can attach a file and a send email step that send that attachment. I would also like to save that attachment to the entity for documentation purposes.
20:26 "So I'm building a dashboard. And I noticed that on things like, you know, column charts or pie charts, or even the the matrix objects. When you bring that object into the into the page.
You get a title for that item, and then there's a blue line underneath that title like a lower border. Which is fine. However, on the report source the report, the report viewer object
that blue line isn't there? And just for consistency, I'd like to have that there because I have a dashboard with 4 items on it, one of those being report viewer
any idea how I get that that blue line, either to show up on the report viewer or not show up on the other items."
29:16 If I if I'm looking into a flow from from a link in an email. So is there a way I can tell that I did it that way versus I was in the portal already and hit, run flow. Cause the reason I ask is because if they do it that way from an email. want to form session in there, that well, when it's done. It brings up a another web page to make it cleaner. I want them to go. you know back to their actual specific web page.
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