Best Way to Upgrade to a Higher Version of V8?
I'm currently in Decisions v8.9 and want to upgrade to V8.19. Is there a best way to do this?
If you're going to v8.19, you'll want to ensure you have the correct versions of .NET installed.
- If you are self-hosted (non IIS) you will need both ASP.NET Core Runtime (x64) and .NET Desktop Runtime (x64) installed.
- If you are using IIS you will need both ASP.NET Core Runtime (Hosting Bundle) and .NET Desktop Runtime (x64) installed.
To perform the upgrade, run the v8.19 installer and select the UPGRADE option under the main menu. You can also check the Change Settings box on this screen if there is anything you want to alter in the Decisions settings while performing the upgrade (e.g. new portalbaseurl, HTTPS instead of HTTP, etc.)
Please also refer to our documentation:
We hope this helps!
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