How to move a v8 Legacy Project to a v9 Project
We have upgraded our v8 development environment to v9, and our projects were converted to folders.
How do we get our projects working in v9, do we have to upgrade them or how does that work exactly?
We have two user actions "Move folder to project" and "Convert Legacy Project to New Project", which should we use?
Hello, and thank you for using Decisions Community forum!
When converting your projects into v9, be sure that this is only done while in a development environment.
This should not be done in testing, staging, or production environments. If using a repository, the conversion will happen upon performing a check-out action.
The two options you have on your legacy project folders are as such:
Convert Legacy Project to New Project: This converts the legacy project to a new project, bringing in all associated entities with it into the project.
Move Folder to Project: This simply moves a folder you to the project of your choosing.
If you're wanting to bring over an entire project, it is suggested to use "Convert Legacy Project to New Project".
Here is a link to our Documentation regarding this:
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