Getting an Error When Trying to Run Installer to Change Decisions to HTTPS?
I am trying to configure Decisions to run over HTTPS instead of HTTP. While on HTTP, Decisions seems to be running fine. However, after I update settings in the installer to have Decisions run over HTTPS, Decisions won't start and I get an error that says:
"An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions"
Do you know what could be causing this issue? I've checked my certificate and it seems to be valid.
This error is usually indicative of a port conflict. Decisions over HTTPS runs on port 443 by default. If you have another process running on port 443, this would result in a conflict and most likely produce the error you are seeing.
You can deactivate the other process running on port 443, or you can change the Decisions settings.xml to use a different port for 443 then perform a restart:
We hope this helps!
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