Hide User Actions on My Entity?
I have a bunch of case entities that I am creating, and users can see them all in one folder. I have two user actions on my entity that I want to remove. The first is the Change State action. I don't want anyone to be able to do this manually. Secondly, there is a "Manage" action that contains a bunch of actions within it. I want to remove this too. How would I go about taking these off my entity?
As you mentioned this is an Entity, you'll want to right-click the Entity Configuration Folder for the case entity you've created and select "Add Action Visibility Rule". You'll want to add two rules for the two actions you wish to hide:
-To remove the Change State action, you'll want to configure the rule so that "Action.Name Equals" then select the input type to be Constant. Type "Change State", then save the rule and exit.
-To remove the Manage action, you'll configure the rule similar to above, but instaed of selecting "Action.Name", you'll select "Action.Category". Then use "Manage" as the constant input.
Setting-up such rules is also covered in our documentation below:
You should no longer see these actions available for your entity after configuring this. We hope this helps!
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