Cannot Connect V6 Agent to Decisions to Sync My AD Users?
I've decided to take a step back from v8 and explore the possibilities of v6. While trying to set-up a V6 server, I created a V6 agent and installed it on a different server that housed my AD. Eager to establish a connection, I returned to my Decisions server and pinged the agent. Success! All seemed to be right in the world as my agent connected to my server across port 4502.
However, I encountered a problem while configuring my Active Directory settings on the Decisions server. I checked "Cloud to site agent", configured my domain correctly, and even double-checked my elevated user credentials were accurate. However, I get an error whenever I try to sync users by AD groups. The agent logs reveal this:
The Maximum message size quota for incoming messages has been exceeded. To increase the quota, use MaxRecievedMessageSize property on the appropriate binding element.
Please tell me where I can find this property so that I may increase it.
You can find the <MaxRecievedMessageSize> property in the Decisions settings.xml. Once you increase the size of this property, you'll need to perform a restart for the update to apply. (Please note that you will not find this property in v8).
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