How can I use a form control to select multiple files in a data repeater?

I have a data repeater on a form that lists all the files I have uploaded. I am looking for a way to select all files in the data repeater without having to select each individual file.
You can select all files in a data repeater by using a checkbox outside the data repeater to trigger an Active Form Flow. In this AFF, you can set the control value of the checkboxes inside the data repeater. The following example will show how to set up this AFF.
Please Note: The examples attached were developed to be instructional, and were not developed as officially supported components. For more information or to engage our service team to develop fully supported, production quality solutions, please contact:
- Create a form with a data repeater(red border) that can hold multiple files for processing.
- Create a data structure that includes type file data(for files uploaded) and type boolean(for checkbox) to insert into data repeater.
1) Add a [Select All] checkbox form control outside data repeater to trigger AFF
2) Create Active Form Flow on Form. Properties > Form Rule > Active Form Flow > Add
3) Trigger AFF using checkbox from step 1 as a ValueChanged.
4) Evaluate whether or not the checkbox is selected using a true/false rule by passing in the value of checkbox
5) Loop data repeater files for both outcomes from previous statement rule using a ForEach step.
6) Insert Add Item to List step to each loop that inputs each file and changes checkbox value.
7) Set Checkbox to a constant.
a. For the true path, this value would be check.
b. For the false path, this value would remain unchecked.
8) Rename both outputs of Add Items to List step the same(ex. NewList).
9) Set Control Value of DataRepeater and input NewList as the Item Source.
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