Hiding the actions available on the notification popup

Can we hide the actions available on the notification popup for assignments?


  • We will have to use a Pre-Processing Flow in the NotifyToAssigned notification found at System→Administration→Notifications→Default Notifications. Please follow the below process.

    1. Under System→Administration→Notifications→NotificationFlows, select the AddProcessingFlow option,→enter a name for the Flow(for this case, Tekclan Test notification flow) and select Create. 
    2. In the FlowDesigner, select the End step→change the mapping type of NotificationMessage input to BuildData→map Subject to NotificationMessage.Subject and Text to NotificationMessage.Text. Save and close the Flow. 
    3. Under the Default Notifications folder, Edit the NotifyToAssigned notification→under NotificationFlows→check the Pre-Processing Notification checkbox→pick the created Flow→hit Save. 

    The actions will no longer be available on the popup.

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