How can I convert/format a Field in a Report?
I have a report where user’s phone numbers are displayed as 5556667777, but would like them to be formatted as (555)-666-7777 inside the report. Is there a way to convert/format the existing Field in a Report?
Hi there,
This can absolutely be done by utilizing Flow Inline Fields. Flow Inline Fields allow the user to extend data from other Data Fields within a Report.
You can add a Flow Inline Field to a Report by selecting ADD under the Report’s Data Fields and navigating to Calculated Columns > FlowInlineField.
Upon adding a new FlowInlineField to a Report, you will be able to create/pick a Flow you want to run within the newly created Report column.
This Flow’s output will be displayed in the respective column previously added to the Report.
In order to format the number within the Flow, we can utilize the Split String By Character Position and Get Item by Index Steps.
This step will first split the number found in the Report by character positions 3 and 6, creating a new list of strings that can be used throughout the rest of the Flow.
The Get Item by Index step will then allow us to retrieve the middle list value of “222”.
We can then output the respective values using Merge Plain Text.
Ultimately resulting in the formatted number.
Note: Flow Inline Fields can severely impact performance if utilized within a large Report.
For more information on Flow Inline Fields:
Hope this helps!
Howdy, Stranger!
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