How do I configure Decisions to Auto Log Off while using an SSO provider?
I have a Decisions instance which utilizes SSO and was wondering if Auto Log Off still works while using an SSO provider?
Hi there,
Decisions does support Auto Log Off/Lock for users that are inactive.
This documentation article covers the basics of configuring this option:
Because you are using SSO, this setting will not be available as the login session is controlled and configured via your Identity Provider (OAuth, Okta, Azure, etc). In order to configure Auto Log Off/Lock in Decisions using an SSO provider, you will need to make changes via your identity provider settings. You can typically find these documents publicly online.
It is important to note that the Decisions auto-timeout setting works only for the Decisions session and not the Identity Provider session. Therefore, even if Decisions times a session out, the Identity Provider session will still be valid and will log the user back in.
It would be best practice to set up timeout sessions on both sides to ensure that the user is logged out upon inactivity. You can still set up the Session Timeout in Decisions by going to System > Settings > Edit Portal Settings and searching for “Session Timeout”.
Hope this helps!
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