How can I build a Form with ‘search’ functionality?
I have a process where I have a Form with various information (Names, DOBs, Address Lines, etc.). I want to be able to auto-fill information based on entered information in a specific field.
For example, if I were to input “Charles” into the Form name field, I would like the corresponding DOB, Address and other information to be automatically populated in the respective Form fields. Is this possible?
Hi there,
It is absolutely possible to create this autofill feature within your process by utilizing Active Form Flows (AFF). By using AFFs, we can fill the various fields inside the Form with respect to an entered field. You can add an AFF to a Form by clicking on the white space inside the Form designer and navigating to Properties > Form Rules > Active Form Flows. By clicking on the “ADD” button, you can add a new AFF to the Form.
This example will use the First Name field as the entered field. Upon entering the first name, the corresponding last name, DOB, and address will be filled in on the Form.
This AFF was set to trigger upon the user pressing “Enter” or when the value inside the field is changed by choosing these Trigger settings found under the Advanced drop down menu.
Upon editing the AFF Rule Flow, we can utilize a Fetch Entities Step with Set Control Value Steps to autofill the corresponding fields in the Form. The Fetch Entities Step will take the name entered within the First Name field and search the database for the corresponding information associated with the entered first name.
If results are found, each of the Set Control Steps will fill the respective Form fields out with the provided information from the Fetch Entities Step.
Example: For auto filling the associated address:
Upon running the main Flow, the user will get the various auto filled values from entering just the first name in the Form.
Some documentation on AFF:
Hope this helps!
Howdy, Stranger!
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