How can I get sequential forms to keep input data when using a “previous button.”

I currently have three forms that are right next to each other in a flow.  On my second form there is the “previous button”  option to return back to the previous form. However, when I return back to the previous form none of the data I initially input is present. I am looking for a way to still have my form populated with my input data while using the previous button.


  • Hello, 

    You can keep form data by using a create data step in between each form. I will explain how to do this in the following steps and attach an example project.. In my example, I will be using two forms labeled Form 1 and Form 2. 

    1. Replace Previous Button on Form 2 with <regular> Button and label it as “previous”.
    2. Attach the new outcome generated from Step 1 into Form 1 from Form 2
    3. Insert Create Data step between two forms. 
    4. Input Data from Form 2(that was generated in Form 1) into Create Data step and output data as Change Value.
    5. Input this Change Value data into Form 1.
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