How can you create custom responses based on a Rule evaluation?
I have a Flow which includes a Rule with two outcome paths. I want to create a custom response respective to the path the Rule Step takes. Is this possible?
Hi there,
You can easily set a custom response which is respective to the outcome of the Rule Step by utilizing the Create Data Step. Depending on the evaluation path the Flow takes, you can create the custom response within the Create Data Step.
If the Rule evaluates TRUE, Custom Response 1 will be created which can then be used throughout the rest of the Flow. Likewise, if the Rule evaluates FALSE, Custom Response 2 will be created which can then be used throughout the Flow.
Custom Response 1:
Custom Response 2:
The response output when the Rule evaluates TRUE:
The response output when the Rule evaluates FALSE:
Hope this helps!
Howdy, Stranger!
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